Aphrodisiac anyone?

My morning ritual: a large glass of green tea, a check of the e-mail, and a quick browse through the channels (which inevitably ends up on the Food Network so I don’t know why I even bother). This particular morning I stumbled across a film I hadn’t seen in some time. A film which moved me deeply the first and second time I had seen it, so I figured it would be a perfect way to embark on my day.


An aesthetic and savory adventure about love and chocolate, and what happens when the two unite. It takes place in a quaint little French village filled with very religious and, well…frigid people. Until one day a women moves in and starts her own Chocolaterie. Even without the deliciousness of watching Johnny Depp prance around, the whole story leaves you feeling alive and chock-full of passion. No pun intended. But what it does do the most of, is pose the question…

Can one be physically aroused by the simple taste of chocolate?

They say that a person’s senses, if utilized properly, can mentally transform your state of mind. And if it is true that sex and lust are 90% mental to begin with, then who is to say that a bite of chocolate wont light a little spark under your libido? And what about the other senses? Obviously perfume and cologne were not invented to simply mask odor. Rose petals are not thrown on beds just for decoration. Music is not played over a moonlight dance to distract from conversation. All of those things have at least one, if not two, sense sparking components that aid in the ever fascinating quest for love.

 Lets be honest. It doesn’t really have to be chocolate or even sweet necessarily does it? What about oysters or caviar; ice cream or cotton candy? Every one has their own set of private little aphrodisiacs; even if they don’t know what they are.

So go out there and let your senses run free. Embrace the smells and tastes, the lights and sounds. Sit by the ocean and smell the sea air. Listen to the waves crash on the shore. We only live once after all, mine as well keep our mojo’s running as long as possible. 🙂

And as for me?

Well that’s easy.

Stone Crabs!!!!!!! Sighhhhhhhhh

~ by randiann on July 10, 2010.

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